samedi 17 novembre 2012

HONG-KONG OXFAM Trailwalker 100km ... It was NOW !!

1 failure and 1 success

Unfortunatly we were not our complete team to cross the finish line this afternoon.
Geof had some tough legs problems and had to leave the race after the very difficult CP4
The rest of us, Chloe Virginie and I manage to finish the race in 23h31.
So below our 24hour target.

Congrat to Salomon France who killed the previous record in 11h12mins.

Thanks for those who were at the finish line and those who were on the race at 1h15am... those are heroes!



1 commentaire:

  1. Félicitation à vous 3 (Chloe Virginie et Marc)!

    Félicitation a mon cousin geof.

    Sur ce genre de course le mental y est pour beaucoup (il est a lutter contre la fatigue)mais lorsque le bobo arrive sur 100km c'est pas gérable

    Dommage Geof ! mais sache j'admire ton exploit.
    + de 50 Km est déja un super exploit

    Laurent (Monterfil)
